Coconut tree 3D model CAD block DXF AutoCAD drawing


Enhance your landscape designs with our CAD block DXF AutoCAD drawing featuring a realistic 3D model of a coconut tree. Ideal for architects, urban planners, and landscape designers, this drawing offers a detailed depiction of a coconut tree that can seamlessly integrate into your CAD projects. Whether you're designing a tropical resort, beachfront property, or outdoor recreational space, our CAD block provides the perfect touch of natural beauty. With its lifelike representation and precise detailing, this coconut tree model adds authenticity and charm to any architectural or landscaping project. Download our DXF AutoCAD file today to access this versatile CAD block and elevate your design with the timeless allure of a coconut tree. Compatible with various CAD software, our drawing makes it easy to incorporate this iconic symbol of the tropics into your design plans.


File Type: DXF File ID: 267152

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